
Esri Insider: un homenaje a Roger Tomlinson

ESRI Publicado 19/02/2014

Hoy compartimos con vosotros el homenaje que en el blog de Esri Insider ha dedicado nuestro presidente, Jack Dangermond, a su amigo Roger Tomlinson, el llamado «padre del GIS» que como sabéis nos dejó hace unos días:

It is with great sadness that I relay the sudden passing of our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Roger Tomlinson, on February 9, 2014, at the age of 80.

Roger was above all else a geographer and was always proud to say that. He loved GIS, the field that he invented, and was so pleased to come to Esri and help us in thinking through difficult problems. He had a passion for staying current with the most recent technologies and always had insights that none of the rest of us had. He also loved attending the annual Esri User Conference and the opportunity to both see and acknowledge the great work of GIS professionals from around the world. He always said that giving out the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Awards was his favorite day of the year.

Roger both created and dignified our field with his strong yet graceful spirit and insight. He invariably knew what was important. His vision of first thinking about and then designing and building practical systems that created meaningful information products will be part of his legacy.

With his passing, a beautiful and bright light has gone out in the world. Nevertheless, I know that his spirit and passion will live on in all of us.

He was my friend. I will miss him greatly. And his spirit will be missed by all of us.

–Jack Dangermond

Podéis ver el post original aquí.

Descanse en paz. Desde Esri España y a través de nuestro blog, enviamos un afectuoso abrazo a sus familiares y seres cercanos, a los que acompañamos en el sentimiento.

ESRI Publicado 19/02/2014