It’s time to refresh your browser – ArcGIS Online has been updated with the following new features and enhancements. This is major update, with enhancements and new capabilities for online analysis, enterprise logins, a new look and feel, and more.
Design and usability enhancements
Updated website and home page
The websites have been updated, with new information about features of the platform and a new home page. You can login to your public or organizational account from either location, or go directly to your organization’s home to login using your organizational account.
ArcGIS Online has undergone design changes to incorporate usability improvements. Throughout the site you’ll find changes that have been implemented based upon user feedback and usability testing. For example, many options formerly placed along the top of the map are now organized under Home:
More options in user profile
Organizational accounts can edit name, password, and security question from the profile page. For more information, seeManaging your profile.
Enhanced search options
You can refine your search for specific item types, and can also toggle to show ArcGIS Desktop content.
Map viewer
Analysis tools
Beta analysis tools were introduced in March, and are now fully released. Analysis tools are organized by functional category, such as Summarize Data, Find Locations, Data Enrichment, Analyze Patterns, Use Proximity, and Manage Data. Click to view the available tools within each:
Since these tools are no longer in beta, credits apply when you use them. Click Show credits to calculate credits prior to using each tool.
For more information see Performing analysis.
Search result options
When you search for an address or place, the map viewer displays the best result based upon the input location or address, and offers an option to select from other possible candidates. For example, below “redlands” was entered in Search finding Redlands, California. Clicking Not what you wanted? returns other similar locations:
See Viewing web maps in the map viewer for more information.
Restrict geocoding to embedded map extent
When you embed a map you can restrict finding addresses or places within the extent of the map. This is useful for enabling applications that restrict searches within a particular area, like a city or state boundary.
Directions and Routing
You can now add a location directly from a pop-up window. When you have calculated a route, you can save the route and associated locations as a layer for viewing later, or for additional analysis (e.g., Create Buffers, Find Nearest). For more information see Getting directions and Adding route layers.
Improved image service display
Map authors can configure display, show tables, create filters, display or hide legends (on ArcGIS Server 10.2 or later services), and configure pop-up windows on image service layers. For more information, see Displaying image layers.
New A to Z symbols
Available in three colors, a new collection of A to Z symbols has been added to the symbol gallery.
Web Applications
CityEngine Web Viewer
The CityEngine Web Viewer has been enhanced with streamline map user interface controls, a fullscreen button, and better shadow resolution with cascaded shadow maps. For more information see Using CityEngine Web Viewer.
Map Tour story map template
The popular Map Tour hosted story map template can now be used by both public and organizational account holders when adding tour locations from a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Photos can be used from popular site locations like Flickr, Facebook, and Picasa, or other hosted locations via URL.
As in the past, organizational accounts with publisher or admin privileges are able to create hosted feature services and use ArcGIS Online to store map tour photos. A downloadable and self-hosted version is also available.
New Swipe story map template
Swipe is a configurable story map template, designed to work on any form factor (browser, tablet, mobile device). Swipe allows you to vertically split two web maps or layers in one web map. The new template also includes the option to use a “spy glass” to view the swiped map or layers, as shown below:
Swipe template deprecated
The Swipe template previously available in the web app template gallery is now replaced by the new Swipe template (see above), and will be deprecated with this release. You can no longer access the legacy Swipe template from the default web app template gallery or create new configurable applications.
Existing applications based on the template will continue to function normally (as will all applications that use deprecated templates). Although the code is no longer updated, you can download the deprecated template from ArcGIS Online to host from your own web server.
ArcGIS applications
Esri Maps for Office
Esri Maps for Office v. 2.0.2 is released and supports nine additional languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Russian. For more information visit the Esri Maps for Officeresource website.
ArcGIS for Windows Phone
Version 10.1.2 is now released and includes support for Windows Phone 8. Two new languages, Danish and Portuguese, are also supported. For more information, see What’s new in ArcGIS for Windows Phone.
Organization administration
Support for enterprise identity providers
Administrators can now invite enterprise login accounts to the organization. Users do not need to create additional logins within the ArcGIS Online system; instead, they use the login that is already set up within their enterprise system. This capability was introduced previously as a public beta, and is now a released feature. For more information, see Setting up Enterprise Logins.
Status page enhancements
The organization status page has been enhanced to meter newly added services and to more accurately reflect the usage of services and consumption of credits. The organization’s subscription status page is now divided into 4 sections: Storage, Analytics – Usage, Premium Content – Usage, and Published Content – Usage. For more information, see Viewing subscription status.
New security option to use only standard SQL queries
Administrators can enforce the use of standard SQL queries only on hosted feature services. For more information, seeConfiguring security settings.
Maps, layers, and tools
Basemap updates
ArcGIS Online basemaps are updated frequently, and updates occur on an ongoing basis. For the latest information on updates to basemaps see the ArcGIS Online blog.
Geocoding enhancements
Geocoding quality has been improved for more than 15 countries, including Malaysia and Turkey. For more information, seeService coverage.
Expanded worldwide routing
Routing is now available for South Korea and 41 other new countries, for a total coverage of 144 countries. For more information, see Data Coverage for Network Analysis Services.
Updated Esri Data and Maps data layers
Most of the data layers in Data and Maps for ArcGIS have been updated with recent vintage datasets and are now available in the Esri Data & Maps group on ArcGIS Online. For more information, see Data & Maps for ArcGIS on the ArcGIS Resources site.
For more information
For more information on this release and previous releases, see What’s new.